Interconnections Between Leadership and Team Dynamics

Santosh Subedi Team brings the synergy effect and blended approach to accomplish the expected outcomes. You can mobilize your team as your major weapon of success because solely you can achieve nothing. We need individuals having all personality traits because ways and approaches are different to be in the summit of doings. Team consists of individuals having

How do we define 21st-century skills?

Madan Kumar Shrestha 21st-century skills are a set of knowledge, capabilities, and work behaviors that are important for success in today’s world. They are ways of thinking, working, and living that are considered critical for the digital economy and workforce, college, and adult life. Oxford University’s Global Skills program aims to develop skills in learners that

Banking Stress and it reduce Mechanism

Dibakar Bashistha, PhD  What is Banking Stress?  Banking stress refers to a situation where a bank or the banking system as a whole faces financial difficulties, instability or risk of failure. This can be caused by insufficient capital or liquidity, high levels of non-performing loans, economic downturn or recession, interest rate changes or volatility, regulatory

Norway is always ahead in the best banking: This is the banking system of Norway

 banking khabar / Norway’s banking system is recognized for its stability and robustness. Here are some key data points and factors supporting this view: Capital Buffers and Resilience: Norwegian banks maintain solid capital buffers that allow them to weather economic downturns. According to stress tests conducted by Norges Bank, these banks can continue to lend

Interest rates have decreased, investment has not increased !

banking khabar / Despite the continuous decrease in interest rates in banking, the flow of credit has not been seen much. This clearly shows that investors are reluctant to invest. Due to this, the economy which has been continuously declining after the covid does not show any signs of recovery. The government has also held

RBI asks banks to intboduce new products and services to attract deposits.

Banks have to be proactive in dealing with liquidity management because the persistent gap between credit and deposit growth could become a challenge, leading to structural liquidity issues, Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das exclusive interview. Das asked banks to maintain a balance between credit and deposit growth. What is positive, is that banks

51 World Record Holder Dr.D.R.upadhyay biography

Observing the diverse aspects of society, Dr. is a legendary lyricist who believes in dynamic social values. D. R. Upadhyay. He is engrossed in the adoration of art and literature by successfully displaying his creative talent. Rich in multifaceted personality, Upadhyay’s fame as a lyricist is even higher. Considering art and literature as a mirror

Want to pursue career at Banking? Here is the path to go!

Gurkhas Finance Limited (GUFL), a fast growing National Level Finance Company invites application from energetic, result oriented, dynamic, competent and enthusiastic Nepali citizens interested to pursue their career path in banking. Eligible Interested candidates are requested to apply with application (cover letter and resume), a recent passport size photograph stating the post to with 15 days,


MetLife today unveiled a new customer service app offering greater access to information on the insurers’ products and services and a more convenient way for customers to manage their insurance policies with MetLife. The new MetLife Nepal Customer Service App will allow customers to access various MetLife services without having to leave home from their

Mi­cro­fi­nance Com­pa­nies in China See Out­stand­ing Loans De­cline by USD$4.83 Bil­lion in First Quar­ter of 2020

The lat­est data from the Chi­nese cen­tral bank points to size­able de­clines in both the num­ber the out­stand­ing loan bal­ance of Chi­nese mi­cro-loan com­pa­nies in the first quar­ter of 2020. As of the end of the first quar­ter of 2020 there were 7458 mi­cro-loan com­pa­nies op­er­at­ing in China, with an out­stand­ing loan bal­ance of 877.068 bil­lion