How do we define 21st-century skills?

Madan Kumar Shrestha

21st-century skills are a set of knowledge, capabilities, and work behaviors that are important for success in today’s world. They are ways of thinking, working, and living that are considered critical for the digital economy and workforce, college, and adult life. Oxford University’s Global Skills program aims to develop skills in learners that will help them succeed in a fast-changing world. These skills include communication and collaboration, creativity and critical thinking, intercultural competence and citizenship, emotional self-regulation and well-being, and digital literacies.  Students are expected to have several careers in their lifetime. Students develop strong critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills to be successful in an interrelated, and complex world.  If we want to prepare our students for success in college, work, and life, opportunities to learn 21st-century skills are essential.

Twenty-first-century learning represents an approach to teaching that promotes content with skill. Without skills, students are left to memorize facts, and recall details. This skill builds upon such past conceptions of learning as “core knowledge in subject areas” and recasts them for today’s world, where a global perspective and collaboration skills are critical. According to Alvin Toffler, the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Why are these skills important?

It is generally accepted that due to the universal presence of technology.  21st-century skills are a common issue across the different frameworks. This need is mostly credited to the changes in society, particularly the rapid development of technology and its impact on how we live, work, and learn. Information and Communication Technology is changing our society from an industrial society to an information or knowledge society.

Globalization and internationalization are two of the important driving forces for the need for 21st-century skills. Economic and societal changes are closely related to recent technological developments and are regarded as the most important driving forces that call for 21st-century skills. Nepalese political leaders, educational experts, policymakers, professionals, and the educational community in general do not seem to actively participate in the public debate about the need for 21st-century skills and their role in the curriculum in Nepal. Social media is also not prioritizing fostering 21st-century skills as the main agenda in the context of Nepal. It should be a burning issue to be updated about 21st-century skills for not only the students but also for all individuals in all sectors.

It should be the most relevant issue to incorporate and participate in all concerned sectors. It is essential to educate our students about 21st-century skills.  If we do not provide such skills to our students they can not compete and cope with 21st century life. All learners are expected to be more actively involved in their own learning process. The application of 21st-century skills in schools and colleges in Nepal is growing up day today but it remains in the developmental stage.  21st-century skills or 21st-century competencies as an overarching concept for the knowledge, skills, and depositions citizens need to be able to contribute to the knowledge society.

These skills are about the thinking process and behaviors students will use as they learn subject area content and work with others to deepen their understanding of the content. 21st-century skills are integrated into content. We have always wanted students to be creative thinkers and problem solvers who have the skills necessary to function effectively in society and the workplace. 21st-century skills are the variety of learning opportunities and activities and the use of appropriate technology tools to accomplish learning goals.

21st-century skills are framed as follows.

The framing of 21st-century skills clearly establishes that a diverse set of competencies is essential for success in today’s world.  Most notable is the 4Cs. These 4cs’ are critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. There’s a strong effort to determine reliable sources and factual information to separate it from the misinformation that floods the Internet. Life skills FLIPS;  take a look at unnoticeable elements of a student’s everyday life. Various efforts to integrate these skills are being driven by several initiatives and institutions in Nepal. To be prepared for the 21st-century lifestyle, our children require the following skills and knowledge: an understanding of history, civics, geography, mathematics, and science. 21st-century skills  are categorized as follows:

  • Ways of Thinking means creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, learning to learn, and metacognition
  • Ways of Working refers to communication, collaboration, and teamwork
  • Living in the World: Life and Career Personal and social responsibility – including Cultural Awareness and competence, information literacy, information Technology, and Communication Literacy.

21st-century skills include skills, abilities, and characteristics that have been noted as necessary elements to be successful in the 21st century. These skills are recognized by society, education professionals, businesses, advanced academics, and government agencies.

  • 21st-century skills: Collaboration:

Collaboration is the ability to share ideas through combining two or more people’s solutions for a particular topic or issue.  Collaboration is teamwork where knowledge, beliefs, ability, confidence, and learning are shared among the individuals. It helps the students to develop the skills necessary for success. It comprises more mediated interactions with peers and teammates across cultures, from any geographical area.

  • 21st century skills: Creativity

It is the process of continually improving ideas and solutions. When we want to succeed in this rapidly changing world, we need to foster creativity in ourselves and others.  Creativity skills are essential for problem-solving, developing ideas, improving productivity, and viewing challenges from new perspectives.

21st century skill: Communication,

Communication involves the ability to effectively express ideas and information, both verbally and in writing. It requires students to listen actively, use clear and concise language, and present information in a manner that is easily understood.

  • 21st-Century Skills: Critical Thinking,

Critical thinking involves the ability to analyze information and make informed decisions. It requires students to evaluate arguments and identify the problems. It is the practice of solving problems.

21st-century learning aims to develop empathetic, caring citizens who are engaged and responsible for their learning.  21st-century skills encourage partnerships with businesses and organizations at all levels. Students need to move toward the generation of useful and applicable knowledge, a process supported by inquiry learning.

Understanding problem-solving equips individuals with the ability to navigate challenges and thrive in dynamic environments, making it a cornerstone of 21st-century skills. Problem-solving forms part of thinking. 21st Century Skills: Information and Media Literacy Skills. Developing information and media literacy skills prepares individuals to thrive in a complex, information-driven world, enabling them to determine truth, engage meaningfully with media, and contribute constructively to society. These skills are not just desirable they are essential in 21st-century life. These skills are essential for education, professional growth, and responsible citizenship.

In conclusion, 21st-century skills can be defined as a dynamic set of competencies that enable individuals to thrive in a rapidly evolving, interconnected, and technology-driven world. These skills incorporate a broad range of abilities, including critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, digital literacy, adaptability, and socio-emotional intelligence. It emphasizes the need to not only acquire knowledge but also to apply it effectively in diverse, real-world contexts. When the students adopt the 21st-century skills they will acquire 21st-century skills that will enable them to have an impact, as they engage themselves as active members of their classroom, school, and community. 21st-century skills to prepare students for the future. There’s a dire need for students to have 21st-century skills. Ultimately, 21st-century skills are about preparing individuals to navigate challenges, grab opportunities, and contribute meaningfully to society in an era of continuous change and innovation.

Madan Kumar Shrestha


Faculty of Social Sciences and Education

Nepal Open University, Manbhawan Lalitput


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