What is Micro Finance and why this is important? Including full video

Banking  Khabar /  The Institutions that has been  worked with class D license as prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank are included in this list.  Microfinance and microfinance financial institutions are known as Class D banks. Microfinance is run in rural areas by mobilizing small amounts of capital. Such banks reach the door to door of the people to develop financial awareness and disburse loan.  From microfinance Development Bank unsecured loans can easily get. Microfinance Development Banks are divided into different types of work:

Starting from Bangladesh, microfinance has made a huge contribution all around the world in rural development.  The importance of microfinance are mentioned in this way:

Unsecured loan:

Microfinance lends large amounts of unsecured loan. There is no guarantee that unsecured loans will grow guarantee. But unsecured loan is a principle of microfinance.  But if some principle are followed there is no danger of drowning. Like women at the local level, who know each other, who like each other, they live in one place and one takes responsibility of other. That is, there is a guarantee, through same basis, microfinance provides loans. In case the debtor is left or right tomorrow, the group will help to recover loan.

Contribution to the social sector:

Not only Microfinance institutions helps for providing services financially but also socially. Without microfinance, there would be no mobilization of capital in rural areas and without mobilization of capital, the economic status of rural areas will not be increased.  In Nepal during a short period of time Microfinance has contributed to the improvement in the poverty rate. Poverty, which was above 41 percent in 2003, has now dropped to less than 20 percent. Those who want to take a loan in a rural area cannot reach a big bank. In such way, microfinance financial institutions are working to make entrepreneurs by providing loans to the people who are out of reach of big banks. From microfinance services millions of Nepalese are getting benefit. In this way, microfinance is helping the rural and poor by making them entrepreneurs and uplifting women.

Entrepreneurship development:

The youth who are struggling with the problem of unemployment Microfinance institutions are moving towards to make entrepreneurs by providing loan. Microfinance has provided financial assistance to the general public who are thinking of doing something but cannot do it due to lack of money. Microfinance has made people who are worried about getting out of poverty their own business owners and employers. The youths who have gone abroad to return home and start their own businesses microfinance institutions has created an environment. Microfinance institutions have provided opportunity and motivated to raise the living standard through businesses like vegetable farming, animal husbandry and home industries.

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